Highlights, low points, fast points: Why to let balloons fly on a construction site, how to calculate the capacity of a rollercoaster and what a special expert hast to say.

  • 16:08 Minutes
  • EuriginalsDocumentaries
  • UHD
MACK Media

Winner of the ‘Best of Content Marketing Award 2023’ in Gold

In the season finale of 'OHM - The Construction Documentary', we fly high: In a new area on the construction site, Patrick Marx and Lukas Metzger are marking highlights along the track of the multi launch coaster, Voltron Nevera powered by Rimac, with the help of balloons, among them the lowest and fastest point of the track. A special rollercoaster expert, whom the two have invited for an interview, explains more. Using complicated mathematics, Patrick and Lukas are also calculating the capacity of the coaster in the Croatia themed area. Finally, they discover something which makes their hair stand on end.

This and much more can be seen in the construction documentary on Mack Rides' new rollercoaster.

Published on: 29.09.2022
